Making humanist ceremonies, existential care and other humanist services available for all Europeans

The European Humanist Services Network (EHSN) is not an organization, but a devoted partnership of 19 European humanist organizations who wish to make humanist services available for everyone who wants them.

What is humanism?
Humanism is a non-religious lifestance based on reason and compassion.
(check here for the latest declaration on humanism, adopted in 2022 by the worldwide umbrella organization Humanists International).

What are humanist services?

  • Humanist ceremonies like weddings, funerals, infant naming ceremonies and coming of age ceremonies (confirmation/jugendfeier)
  • Humanist existential care in the armed forces, hospitals, prisons, at university campuses and more
  • Humanist youth education

Contact info
The network manager is Lone Ree Milkær. E-mail: lone -at-
The European Humanist Services Network is hosted by the Danish Humanist Society Humanistisk Samfund and is based in Copenhagen.

Network management group:

  • Lone Ree Milkær, Humanist Professionals Network Manager, Project manager Humanist Existential Care
  • Even Gran, Project manager, Humanist ceremonies (Norwegian Humanist Association)
  • Troels Barkholt-Spangsbo, Project manager, Youth Education (Danish Humanist Society)


  • Belgium:
  • Denmark: Humanistisk Samfund
  • Finland: Finnish Humanist Association
  • Finland: The Union of Freethinkers of Finland
  • Germany: HVD – Humanistische Verband Deutschlands
  • Germany: Humanistische Vereinigung
  • Hungary: Humanists Hungary
  • Iceland: Siðmennt
  • Ireland: Humanist Association of Ireland
  • Italy: UAAR – Union of Rationalist Atheists and Agnostics
  • Lithuania: Laimingas Zmogus
  • Luxembourg: AHA – Allianz vun Humanisten, Atheisten an Agnostiker
  • Malta: Humanists Malta
  • Netherlands: Humanistisch Verbond
  • Norway: Human-Etisk Forbund
  • Poland: Polish Rationalist Association
  • Romania: ASUR – Romanian Secular Humanist Association
  • Scotland: Humanist Society Scotland
  • UK: Humanists UK