EHSN – European Humanist Services Network

About EHSN

The European Humanist Services Network (EHSN) is a devoted partnership of 19 European humanist organizations who wish to make humanist services available for everyone who wants them.

The partnership is network-based. Willing and able humanist organizations sign a partnership agreement outlining the commitments to the network.  

Organizations who want to become a partner must be full members of the worldwide humanist umbrella organization Humanists International.

Current partners:

From the last CEO-meeting between the partners in Berlin, 23 November 2023

Humanism is a non-religious lifestance based on reason and compassion. Check here for the latest declaration on humanism, adopted in 2022 by Humanists International.

Initial work with this project started in the autumn of 2021. The current network structure has been in force since 1.1.2024.  

Network structure

Partner organizations
The most important units in the network. The list of partners can be seen above.

Annual meeting between CEOs (or similar) from all partner organizations. Decides the general direction of the network and elects the Steering group.

Steering group
Gives direction and decides between the CEO-meetings. At least four meetings annually. Current members:

  • Trond Enger (Norway)
  • Andrew Copson (UK)
  • Neil Anderson (EHP)
  • Katrin Raczynski (Germany)
  • Urte Zukauskaite-Zabuke (Lithuania)
  • Giorgio Maone (Italy)
  • Kaja Bryx (Poland)

Project management
Employees working with the network on a daily basis. See contact info here.

  • Lone Ree Milkær, Network coordinator, Project manager Existential care. 
  • Troels Barkholt-Spangsbo, Project manager Youth education.
  • Even Gran, Project manager Ceremonies. 

EHP – European Humanist Professionals

Affiliated unit offering hands-on training related to EHSN´s sub-projects. Learn more
