EHSN – European Humanist Services Network

Sub-project: Ceremonies - Weddings

In the ceremonies sub-project we start with humanist weddings.  Later we will deal with other humanist ceremonies; naming ceremonies, coming of age-ceremonies, funerals and more. 

Vision for the sub-project on humanist weddings:

  • To make humanist weddings in Europe available to everyone, regardless of where they live and where they want to marry


  • To negotiate a joint framework and requirements for humanist weddings among the partners, including agreed education standards and certification measures. 
  • Research and create a European humanist online wedding portal for everyone.
  • Spread the word. Making humanist weddings better known
  • And more…



The sub-project is led by Even Gran from the EHSN management team, and has a working group with the following representatives from our partner organizations:
  • Adele Orioli (Italy)
  • Alexandre Hornbeck (Luxembourg)
  • Anika Herbst (Germany)
  • Anneli Aurejärvi-Karjalainen (Finland)
  • Christian Lisker (Germany)
  • Brian Corrigan (Scotland)
  • Denise Odekerken (Belgium)
  • Emy Spekschoor (Netherlands)
  • Heiðrún Arna Friðriksdóttir (Iceland)
  • Frank Schulze (Germany)
  • Gail Debono (Malta)
  • Hristofor Gality (Hungary)
  • Kaja Bryx (Poland)
  • Niamh Clowry (Ireland)
  • Maria Pacini (Italy)
  • Monica Belitoiu (Romania)
  • Morten Peeraer (Belgium)
  • Tale Pleym (Norway)
  • Urte Žukauskaitė-Zabukė (Lithuania)